Na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija u gradu, u ulici Strahinjića Bana, nalazi se restoran Dorijan Grej. Često opisivan kao srce grada, Gornji Dorćol se nalazi tik do šoping zone oko Knez Mihajlove ulice i do starog Kalemegdanskog parka sa beogradskom tvrđavom iza njega.
Restoran Dorian Gray
Kralja Petra 87-89, Beograd
Rezervacije: +381 63 565065 , +381 11 2634151
E-mail: doriangrayrezervacije@gmail.com
At one of the most attractive locations in the city, at Strahinjića Bana Street, is the Dorijan Gray restaurant. Often described as the heart of the city, Gornji Dorćol is located right next to the shopping area around Knez Mihailova Street and to the old Kalemegdan Park with the Belgrade Fortress behind it.
Restaurant Dorian Gray
Kralja Petra 87-89, Belgrade
Reservations: +381 63 565065 , +381 11 2634151
E-mail: doriangrayrezervacije@gmail.com